Všeobecné obchodné podmienky
Všeobecné obchodné podmienky pre www.miragrafik.sk
Article I. – Introductory Provisions
Article I. – Introductory Provisions
Tieto Všeobecné obchodné podmienky vydáva Miroslava Pavlinská – Miragrafik, so sídlom na adrese Košická 15, 044 71 Čečejovce, IČO: 53 440 153, DIČ: 1126944544, Číslo živnostenského registra: 830-22397, VAT ID: SK09 0900 0000 0051 7500 7944, zapísaná v Živnostenskom registri Okresného súdu Košice-okolie, e-mailová adresa: pavlinska.miroslava@gmail.com, tel.: +421 908 154 756. Orgán dozoru: Inšpektorát SOI pre Košický kraj, Masarykova 10, 041 01 Košice.
The General Terms & Conditions form an integral part of the contract between Miroslava Pavlinská - Miragrafik as the Supplier and the Client.
The Client is a natural or legal person that orders from the Supplier web design, graphic design, photography, proofreading or other services related to the process of web design, graphic design, photography and proofreading.
Tieto Všeobecné obchodné podmienky vydáva Miroslava Pavlinská – Miragrafik, so sídlom na adrese Košická 15, 044 71 Čečejovce,
IČO: 53 440 153,
DIČ: 1126944544,
Číslo živnostenského registra: 830-22397,
VAT ID: SK09 0900 0000 0051 7500 7944, zapísaná v Živnostenskom registri Okresného súdu Košice-okolie,
e-mailová adresa:
tel.č: +421 908 154 756.
Orgán dozoru: Inšpektorát SOI pre Košický kraj, Masarykova 10, 041 01 Košice.
The General Terms & Conditions form an integral part of the contract between Miroslava Pavlinská - Miragrafik as the Supplier and the Client.
The Client is a natural or legal person that orders from the Supplier web design, graphic design, photography, proofreading or other services related to the process of web design, graphic design, photography and proofreading.
Article II. – Subject of the Contract
Under the contract, the Supplier undertakes to provide the Client with web design, graphic design, photography, proofreading or other services related to the process of web design, graphic design, photography and proofreading, and the Client agrees to pay the agreed price for such services.
Article III. – Order, Concluding the Contract, and Supplying the Service
1. An order must specify the kind of service requested, the scope and price of the service, and the manner of supplying the service. An order may be submitted by the Client:
a. prostredníctvom e-mailu na adrese pavlinska.miroslava@gmail.com
b. vyplnením formuláru na stránke dodávateľa: https://www.miragrafik.sk/objednavka/
c. osobne na adrese Košická 15, 044 71 Čečejovce
2. The contract shall be deemed to have been concluded:
a. podpisom zmluvy medzi objednávateľom a dodávateľom spravidla v sídle dodávateľa (písomným potvrdením objednávky) alebo
b. prijatím objednávky zo strany dodávateľa prostredníctvom elektronickej pošty (e-mailu) v prípade, ak sa strany dohodli na komunikácii v elektronickej podobe, pričom zmluva je uzavretá doručením e-mailu dodávateľa potvrdzujúcim prijatie objednávky objednávateľovi.
3. The Supplier is obliged to supply the service to the Client by such date as specified in the order.
The Client agrees to extend the delivery date if the service is impossible to supply by the agreed date, provided the Client has been forthwith informed accordingly and a new delivery date has been notified to it. Unless the service is provided even within an additional reasonable period, the Client may rescind the contract.
Ak objednávateľ pri uzavretí zmluvy výslovne informoval dodávateľa, že má záujem len na včasnom dodaní služby, objednávateľ je oprávnený odstúpiť od zmluvy bez poskytnutia dodatočnej primeranej lehoty na dodanie služby. Dodávateľ vráti objednávateľovi už zaplatenú cenu za službu bez zbytočného odkladu najneskôr do 14 dní na určený bankový účet. V dodacej lehote nie je zohľadnená doba doručovania služby (doručovanie poštou alebo kuriérom).
4. A web design, graphic design, photography, proofreading or other services related to the process of web design, graphic design, photography and proofreading will be supplied in such manner as specified in the order, namely:
(i) the Client receives the web design, graphic design, photography, proofreading or other services related to the process of web design, graphic design, photography and proofreading in person at the Supplier’s office, in which case the receipt thereof shall be acknowledged by its signature, or
(ii) web design, graphic design, photography, proofreading or other services related to the process of web design, graphic design, photography and proofreading is sent to the Client by e-mail, in which case the Client shall acknowledge receipt of the web design, graphic design, photography, proofreading or other services related to the process of web design, graphic design, photography and proofreading electronically immediately after the service is provided
The Client shall acknowledge receipt of service by e-mail immediately after the service is provided. If, despite there being no demonstrably serious reason, the Client refuses or fails to acknowledge receipt of the service within 24 hours after it being provided, the service shall be deemed to have been duly supplied.
5. The web design, graphic design, photography, proofreading or other services related to the process of web design, graphic design, photography and proofreading supplied by the Supplier will be accompanied by a tax document (invoice).
Article IV. – Rights and Obligations of the Parties
1. Objednávateľ udeľuje svoj výslovný a neodvolateľný súhlas na začatie poskytovania služieb pred uplynutím lehoty na odstúpenie od zmluvy a potvrdzuje, že bol poučený o tom, že udelením súhlasu so začatím poskytovania služby pred uplynutím lehoty na odstúpenie od zmluvy stráca právo na odstúpenie od zmluvy v zmysle zákona č. 102/2014 Z.z.
2. The Client undertakes to furnish the Supplier with all the necessary information for making a web design, graphic design, photography, proofreading or other services related to the process of web design, graphic design, photography and proofreading if the latter so requests, or shall designate a contact person with whom the Supplier may communicate in respect of the ordered services. If the Client requests that a web design, graphic design, photography, proofreading or other services related to the process of web design, graphic design, photography and proofreading be made using references, it is obliged to furnish such references.
Article V. – Order Cancellation and Contract Rescission
1. Objednávateľ je oprávnený stornovať objednávku kedykoľvek do času jej prijatia zo strany dodávateľa v zmysle bodu 2 Článku III týchto Všeobecných obchodných podmienok.
2. Objednávateľ nie je oprávnený odstúpiť od zmluvy o poskytovaní webdizajnových, grafických, fotografických služieb a korektúr textov alebo iných služieb súvisiacich s procesom web dizajnu, grafiky, fotografie a korektúrami textov, keďže ide o prípad začatia poskytovania služby resp. poskytnutia služby pred uplynutím lehoty na odstúpenie od zmluvy v súlade s §4 ods. 6 a §7 ods. 6 písm. a) zákona č. 102/2014 Z.z.
4. The Supplier reserves the right to rescind the contract for the provision of web design, graphic design, photography, proofreading or other services related to the process of web design, graphic design, photography and proofreading if the source material contains information that is offensive, obscene or inconsistent with the law.
Article VI. – Price and Invoicing
1. Ceny poskytovaných služieb sú stanovené na základe hodinovej sadzby 8 €/h platnej v čase uzavretia zmluvy alebo na základe osobitnej cenovej kalkulácie.
2. The service price is due and payable on the service delivery date at the latest, unless agreed otherwise. The Supplier may demand that the Client make an advance payment of up to 100% of the service price. Such advance payment is due and payable within 5 days from the date of issue of a pro-forma invoice. Until the advance payment is made, the Supplier is not obliged to provide the service or to start providing it.
3. The Supplier will issue an invoice that the Client is obliged to pay by such due date and in such manner as stipulated in the invoice. Invoices normally fall due within 14 days.
Article VII. – Confidentiality and Personal Data Protection
1. The Supplier and the Client agree that all information which the Client will disclose to the Supplier and which has not been published by the Client nor has become part of the public domain shall be deemed confidential.
2. The Supplier shall:
a) treat such information as strictly confidential, and take all measures to ensure it remains
b) use and apply such information only for the purposes related to the subject of the contract;
c) handle such information so as to prevent it from being published or disclosed to a third
party or used for any purpose other than the subject of the contract and thereto-related
3. In order to fulfil this obligation, the Supplier agrees to comply with all necessary measures to prevent a leak of any of the obtained information, in particular:
a) to prevent such information from being disclosed to a third party;
b) to prevent such information from being published;
c) to prevent such information from being reproduced and disseminated;
d) to prevent such information from being accessed by unauthorised persons;
e) to prevent such information from being leaked by any conduct including negligence.
4. By submitting an order, the Client (natural person) grants consent to the processing of its personal data stated in the order for the purpose of handling the order and supplying the service, such consent being granted for such term as necessary to perform the contract.
The Supplier processes the personal data of the Client (natural person) for the purposes of fulfilling the subject of the contract and performing its obligations towards the Client, in particular for the purposes of contacting the Client in connection with the handling of its order, providing the service, and issuing an invoice.
The Supplier shall ensure that the Client’s personal data is not used for any other purposes, in particular that it is not published, disclosed or made available to third parties, except where such disclosure is required to meet the Supplier’s statutory obligations under generally applicable legal regulations (disclosure obligations towards tax authorities, law enforce authorities or other state authorities), or except that such data is disclosed to persons with whom it is necessary to cooperate in order to fulfil the order properly.
The database containing such personal data is protected against damage, destruction, loss or misuse.
The Supplier will process the Client’s personal data to the following extent: name and surname, billing address or, if applicable, service delivery address, e-mail address, contact phone number.
Article VIII. – Complaint
A complaint in respect of the service supplied shall be filed by the Client with the Supplier in writing by letter to the Supplier’s registered address or by e-mail to pavlinska.miroslava- @gmail.com without undue delay, in any event not later than 3 business days following the service supply date, failing which any claims arising from liability for defects shall be deemed to have been asserted late and to have become extinguished.
A service complaint must specify the order/contract number, the reason and nature of defects and, if appropriate, must include written evidence proving the existence of defects.
If a complaint is found to be justified, the Supplier shall provide for the rectification of defects at its own expense and within a reasonable period of time, or grant the Client a discount on the service price.
Article IX – Dispute Resolution
The Client and the Supplier agree that any and all disputes shall be governed by Slovak laws. Any disputes shall be preferably resolved in an amicable way; unless such amicable resolution is reached, the dispute shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of Slovak courts.
Information for customers regarding options and terms of dispute settlement using the alternative dispute resolution system (hereinafter only the “ADR”):
If the client is unsatisfied with the settlement of his complaint or if the client believes that the supplier violated his rights, then the client has the right to bring a claim against the supplier seeking redress for the violation.
Ak dodávateľ žiadosť objednávateľa zamietne, alebo na ňu do 30 dní odo dňa jej odoslania neodpovie, má objednávateľ právo podať subjektu alternatívneho riešenia sporov (ďalej len „subjekt ARS“) v zmysle zákona č. 391/2015 Z.z. o alternatívnom riešení spotrebiteľských sporov návrh na začatie alternatívneho riešenia sporu (ďalej len „Návrh“).
ADR does not apply to disputes with an identifiable value not exceeding EUR 20. An ADR Entity means the Slovak Trade Inspection, or other legal entity recorded in the Register of ADR Entities kept by the Ministry of Economy of the Slovak Republic.
Návrh môže objednávateľ podať u subjektu ARS v listinnej podobe, v elektronickej podobe, alebo ústne do zápisnice. Návrh môže objednávateľ podať aj prostredníctvom formuláru dostupného na webovom sídle SOI www.soi.sk, alebo prostredníctvom platformy ARS dostupnej na webovej stránke EÚ http://ec.europa.eu/consumers/odr/index_en.htm. ARS vedené Slovenskou obchodnou inšpekciou je bezodplatné, iný subjekt ARS môže od objednávateľa požadovať úhradu poplatku za začatie ARS maximálne do výšky 5 EUR s DPH. Subjekt ARS ukončí ARS v zásade do 90 dní odo dňa jeho začatia.
Article X. – Final Provisions
These General Terms & Conditions form an integral part of the contract between the Supplier and the Client, and are binding on both parties. The legal relationships established by the contract shall be governed by the provisions of the contract, individually agreed conditions, the provisions of these General Terms & Conditions and relevant legal regulations.
The provisions of the Contract shall take precedence over the provisions of these General Terms & Conditions and non-mandatory provisions of generally binding legal regulations. Miroslava Pavlinská - Miragrafik reserves the right to unilaterally amend or supplement these General Terms & Conditions.
Any amendments to these General Terms & Conditions shall become effective upon being published at the website www.miragrafik.sk. The legal relationships arising from the contract shall at any time be governed by the General Terms & Conditions applicable at the time when the order becomes binding. These General Terms & Conditions shall come into force as of December 10, 2020.